Relevant Research Of the NCPC Members and Core Leads
Dr. Anna Song - NCPC Director
Dr. Nancy Burke - Community Core Lead
Burke NJ, Phung K*, Yu F,* Wong C, Le K, McPhee S, Nguyen TT, Tsoh J. Unpacking the “black box” of lay health worker processes in a US-based intervention. Journal of International Health Promotion. In Press.
Tsoh JY, Burke NJ, Gildengorin G, Wong C, Le K, Nguyen A, Chan JL, Sun A, McPhee SJ, Nguyen TT. A social network family-focused intervention to promote smoking cessation in Chinese and Vietnamese American male smokers: A feasibility study. Nicotine, Tobacco, & Research, Tobacco Related Health Disparities Special Theme Issue. 2015 Aug; 17(8):1029-38.
Petersen AB,* Tsoh J, Nguyen TT, McPhee S, Burke NJ. Suffering in Silence: Impact of Tobacco Use on Communication Dynamics within Vietnamese and Chinese Immigrant Families. Journal of Family Nursing 2016 Feb; 22(1): 108-132.
Dr. Linda Cameron - Rapid Response Core Lead
Dr. Paul Brown - Rapid Response Core Lead
- Gordon L, Hirst N, Young R, Brown P. Within a smoking-cessation program, what impact does genetic information on lung cancer need to have to demonstrate cost-effectiveness? Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 2010, 8:18 doi:10.1186/1478-7547-8-18.
Dr. Irene Yen - Training Core Lead
- Dubbin L, Neufeld S, Kersten E, Yen IH. Health Effects After Renovation (HEAR) Study: Community-engaged inquiry into the health and social impacts of the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program implementation in San Francisco. Housing Policy Debate, 2018, in press.
- Shaahinfar A, Yen IH, Alter HJ, Gildengorin G, Pan SMJ, Betts JM, Fahimi J. Long-term mortality in pediatric firearm assault survivors: a multi-center, retrospective, comparative cohort study. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2018, in press.
Dr. MariaElena Gonzalez - Research Core Lead
M Gonzalez, A Sanders-Jackson, L Henriksen. Social Capital and Tobacco Retail Outlet Density: An Empirical Test of the Relationship. American Journal of Health Promotion, 0890117119853716.
Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher - Research Core Lead, Stanford
- McKelvey, K., Baiocchi, M., McLaughlin, S., Ramamurthi, D., Halpern-Felsher, B. Youth say ads for flavored e-liquids are for them. Addictive Behaviors. In Press.
- McKelvey, K., Baiocchi, M., Halpern-Felsher, B. Juul-Style Pod-based Electronic Cigarettes: Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Use and Perceptions. JAMA Open Network. In Press.
- Kim, M., Ling, PM., Ramamurthi, D., Halpern-Felsher, B. Youth’s perceptions of e-cigarette advertisements with cessation claims. Tobacco Regulation Science. In Press.
- Glantz, SA, Halpern-Felsher, BL, Springer, ML. Marijuana, secondhand smoke, and social acceptability. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;178(1):13-14. PMID: 29159409
- McKelvey, K., Popova, L., Kim, M., Lampert, L., Chaffee, B., Vijayaraghavan, M., Ling, P., Halpern-Felsher, B. IQOS likely will mislead consumers. Tobacco Control. E-pub ahead of print. PMID: 30158208
- Gibson, LA., Creamer, MR., Breland, AB., Giachello, AL., Kaufman, A., Kong, G., Pechacek, TF., Pepper, JK., Soule, EK., Halpern-Felsher, BL. Measuring perceptions related to e-cigarettes: Important principles and next steps to enhance study validity. Addictive Behaviors. 2018 Apr;79:219-225. PMID: 29175027
- Barrington-Trimis, JL, Gibson, LA, Halpern-Felsher, BL, Harrell, MB, Kong, G., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Leventhal, AM, Loukas, A., McConnell, R., Weaver, SR. Type of e-cigarette device used among adolescents and young adults: Findings from a pooled analysis of 8 studies of 2,1666 vapers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2018 Jan 05;20(2):271-274. PMID: 28371890.
Dr. Anna Epperson - Research Core
Prochaska JJ, Epperson AE, Skan J, Oppezzo M, Barnett P, Delucchi, K,…, Benowitz NL. The Healing and Empowering Alaskan Lives Toward Healthy-Hearts (HEALTHH) Project: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an intervention for tobacco use and other cardiovascular risk behaviors for Alaska Native People. Contemporary Clinical Trials. in press.