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Tobacco Use in Recreational Areas

Clearing the air of tobacco and smoke Smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States1. The effects of smoking on people who smoke is a widely recognized problem. Smoking is also a concern for those who do not smoke and are exposed to harmful chemicals from smokers around them. Secondhand smoke affects millions of non-smokers, including children. Some of the health effects from secondhand smoke on children are ear infections, asthma or other respiratory symptoms, respiratory problems, and sudden infant death syndrome. For adults, secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke1. The effects of secondhand smoke are evident which is why it is necessary to have an environment where everyone can enjoy clean air and breathe freely without having to worry about the effects of smoke.

In Merced County smoking is restricted in solely Merced and Atwater, but only in some recreational areas. Whereas compared to other counties in California, that have a ban on most cities in all recreational areas2. Smoking restrictions on outdoor places have been effective in controlling where people smoke, exposure to children and non-smokers, decreased smoking initiation, as well as reducing numbers of smokers3.

Without a policy that prevents secondhand smoke exposure, the health of Merced County residents will be affected. Smoking is a modifiable behavior compared to some of the other top leading causes of death in Merced County and if it is controlled, it can have a major impact on the health status of Merced County residents4. A policy that restricts smoking in recreational areas in Merced County would be effective to control the harmful exposure of secondhand smoke.

Additionally, there will be less economic spending on this particular health issue in Merced County. Supported with data from the county’s health assessment, smoking rates can decrease if the exposure and smoke-free ban does happen and will result in fewer health issues among residents and less health care costs.

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1. CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention.(2018).SecondhandSmoke-FactSheet.

2. AmericanLungAssociation.(2018).TheCenterforTobaccoPolicy&Organization.Retrievedfrom

3. Song,A.V.,Dutra,L.M.,Neilands,T.B.,&Glantz,S.A.(2015).Associationofsmoke-freelawswithlower percentages of new and current smokers among adolescents and young adults: an 11-year longitudinal study. JAMA pediatrics, 169(9), e152285-e152285. 

4. MercedCountyDepartmentofPublicHealth.(2016).MercedCounty2016CommunityHealthAssessment. Retrieved from