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Relevant Research

Relevant Research Of the NCPC Members and Core Leads

Dr. Anna Song - NCPC Director

  • Publication Icon NCPCDutra LM, Glantz SA, Lisha NE, Song AV (2017) Beyond experimentation: Five trajectories of cigarette smoking in a longitudinal sample of youth. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171808. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171808


  • Publication Icon NCPCSong AV, Brown P, Glantz SA. When Health Policy and Empirical Evidence Collide: The Case of Cigarette Package Warning Labels and Economic Consumer Surplus. February 2014, American Journal of Public Health, Vol 104, No. 2 |


  • Publication Icon NCPCSong AV, Dutra LM, Neilands TB, Glantz SA. Association of Smoke-Free Laws With Lower Percentages of New and Current Smokers Among Adolescents and Young Adults. An 11-Year Longitudinal Study. JAMA Pediatrics Published online September 8, 2015


Dr. Nancy Burke - Community Core Lead

  • Publication Icon NCPCBurke NJ, Phung K*, Yu F,* Wong C, Le K, McPhee S, Nguyen TT, Tsoh J. Unpacking the “black box” of lay health worker processes in a US-based intervention. Journal of International Health Promotion. In Press.


  • Publication Icon NCPCTsoh JY, Burke NJ, Gildengorin G, Wong C, Le K, Nguyen A, Chan JL, Sun A, McPhee SJ, Nguyen TT. A social network family-focused intervention to promote smoking cessation in Chinese and Vietnamese American male smokers: A feasibility study. Nicotine, Tobacco, & Research, Tobacco Related Health Disparities Special Theme Issue. 2015 Aug; 17(8):1029-38.


  • Publication Icon NCPCPetersen AB,* Tsoh J, Nguyen TT, McPhee S, Burke NJ. Suffering in Silence: Impact of Tobacco Use on Communication Dynamics within Vietnamese and Chinese Immigrant Families. Journal of Family Nursing 2016 Feb; 22(1): 108-132.


Dr. Linda Cameron - Rapid Response Core Lead

  • Publication Icon NCPCKhachikian T, Cameron LD. Perceptions and Beliefs Motivating Parental DIscussions of Marijuana Use With Children. Ann. Behav. Med. June 2018.


  • Publication Icon NCPCMagnan RE, Cameron LD. Do Young Adults Perceive That Cigarette Graphic Warnings Provide New Knowledge About the Harms of Smoking? Ann. Behav. Med. Feb 2015.


  • Publication Icon NCPCCameron LD, Pepper JK, Brewer NT. Responses of young adults to graphic warning labels for cigarette packages. Tobacco Control BMJ. April 26, 2013


Dr. Paul Brown - Rapid Response Core Lead

  • Publication Icon NCPCSong AV, Brown P, Glantz SA. When Health Policy and Empirical Evidence Collide: The Case of Cigarette Package Warning Labels and Economic Consumer Surplus. February 2014, American Journal of Public Health, Vol 104, No. 2 |


  • Gordon L, Hirst N, Young R, Brown P. Within a smoking-cessation program, what impact does genetic information on lung cancer need to have to demonstrate cost-effectiveness? Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 2010, 8:18 doi:10.1186/1478-7547-8-18.


Dr. Irene Yen - Training Core Lead

  • Publication Icon NCPCVable A, Cohen AK, Leonard S, Glymour MA, Duarte C, Yen IH. Do the health benefits of education vary by sociodemographic subgroup? Differential returns to education and implications for health inequities. Annals of Epidemiology, 28 (2018) 759-766


  • Dubbin L, Neufeld S, Kersten E, Yen IH. Health Effects After Renovation (HEAR) Study: Community-engaged inquiry into the health and social impacts of the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program implementation in San Francisco. Housing Policy Debate, 2018, in press.


  • Shaahinfar A, Yen IH, Alter HJ, Gildengorin G, Pan SMJ, Betts JM, Fahimi J. Long-term mortality in pediatric firearm assault survivors: a multi-center, retrospective, comparative cohort study. Academic Emergency Medicine, 2018, in press.


Dr. MariaElena Gonzalez - Research Core Lead

  • Publication Icon NCPCM Gonzalez, A Sanders-Jackson, L Henriksen. Social Capital and Tobacco Retail Outlet Density: An Empirical Test of the Relationship. American Journal of Health Promotion, 0890117119853716.


Dr. Bonnie Halpern-Felsher - Research Core Lead, Stanford

  • McKelvey, K., Baiocchi, M., McLaughlin, S., Ramamurthi, D., Halpern-Felsher, B. Youth say ads for flavored e-liquids are for them. Addictive Behaviors. In Press.


  • McKelvey, K., Baiocchi, M., Halpern-Felsher, B. Juul-Style Pod-based Electronic Cigarettes: Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Use and Perceptions. JAMA Open Network. In Press.


  • Kim, M., Ling, PM., Ramamurthi, D., Halpern-Felsher, B. Youth’s perceptions of e-cigarette advertisements with cessation claims. Tobacco Regulation Science. In Press.


  • Glantz, SA, Halpern-Felsher, BL, Springer, ML. Marijuana, secondhand smoke, and social acceptability. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2018 Jan 1;178(1):13-14. PMID: 29159409


  • McKelvey, K., Popova, L., Kim, M., Lampert, L., Chaffee, B., Vijayaraghavan, M., Ling, P., Halpern-Felsher, B. IQOS likely will mislead consumers. Tobacco Control. E-pub ahead of print. PMID: 30158208


  • Gibson, LA., Creamer, MR., Breland, AB., Giachello, AL., Kaufman, A., Kong, G., Pechacek, TF., Pepper, JK., Soule, EK., Halpern-Felsher, BL. Measuring perceptions related to e-cigarettes: Important principles and next steps to enhance study validity. Addictive Behaviors. 2018 Apr;79:219-225. PMID: 29175027


  • Barrington-Trimis, JL, Gibson, LA, Halpern-Felsher, BL, Harrell, MB, Kong, G., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Leventhal, AM, Loukas, A., McConnell, R., Weaver, SR. Type of e-cigarette device used among adolescents and young adults: Findings from a pooled analysis of 8 studies of 2,1666 vapers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2018 Jan 05;20(2):271-274. PMID: 28371890.


Dr. Anna Epperson - Research Core

  • Publication Icon NCPCEpperson AE, Song AV, Wallander JL, Markham C, Cuccaro P, Elliott MN, Schuster MA (2014).  Associations among body size, body image perceptions, and weight loss attempts among African American, Latino, and White youth: A test of a meditational model. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39, 394-404.


  • Publication Icon NCPCEpperson AE, Depaoli S, Song AV, Wallander JL, Elliott M, Cuccaro P, Tortolero S, Schuster M. (2016). Perceived Physical Appearance: Assessing measurement equivalence in Black, Latino, and White Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 42, 142-152.


  • Publication Icon NCPCProchaska JJ, Epperson AE, Skan J, Oppezzo M, Barnett P, Delucchi, K,…, Benowitz NL. The Healing and Empowering Alaskan Lives Toward Healthy-Hearts (HEALTHH) Project: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of an intervention for tobacco use and other cardiovascular risk behaviors for Alaska Native People. Contemporary Clinical Trials. in press.